Reach out to a human resources manager at a company of your choice and ask them what their biggest challenges are, and you’ll probably get a similar answer from most: the biggest challenge is effectively improving communication. Stellar communication between ...
Continue readingBridging the generation gap in the workplace
The Gen Gap has always been an interesting topic for debate. This peculiar problem extends beyond the realms of the household. Now, you know why your manager wears a long face when you want to work from home! The ...
Continue readingHow 6 Successful Companies Keep Their Employees Motivated
Organizations big and small understand the need to invest in their employees as it gives returns in the form of morale, productivity, lower turnover, and profitability. Here are some companies who have got it right as ...
Continue reading9 Ways to Convert your Employees into Brand Ambassadors
In the world of social media strategies and strong PR, building a brand has become easier and efficient; but a smart CEO knows that there’s no better PR than an engaged employee. Happy and loyal employees are ...
Continue reading9 Way to Engage your Engagement with Onboarding
Why is it important to start engaging early? There is ample research available to prove first impressions makes a substantial impact when it comes to joining a new ...
Continue reading6 Easy Ways to Engage Salespeople
Last week I conducted a Leadership Development workshop for a large Fortune 500 company on the East Coast. The workshop centered on the very hot topic of how to successfully engage a sales force and reap the benefits of that ...
Continue readingHow to use the power of Facebook, Apple and Amazon for your employee engagement?
Employee engagement has been a buzzword in leadership circles for years. It is indeed a worthwhile quest for companies And why not? Engaged employees result in higher productivity, profitability, lower turn-over rate, lower safety incidents and so on So it ...
Continue readingLoving What You Do: What Chicago Cubs Fans Can Teach Companies About Employee Engagement
If you want to learn something about employee engagement, it’s useful to consider Chicago Cubs fans for a moment. Chicago Cubs fans aren’t world famous because they go to baseball games on pleasant days for a few late afternoon innings. No, ...
Continue readingCreating a Shared Purpose for Engagement
I vividly remember the train ride back home from Downtown on the unseasonably warm day in September. My colleagues and I were excitedly chattering away the entire ride home. The conversation was around our morning activity. We were returning from ...
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